Compiled by Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW August 9, 2022 ** Thanks to the individuals who put the island/group and mode (which is very important) on their QSNs on their PacketCluster reports. The format we suggest is “Mode/IOTA#/Island or Group” (ex. CW/SA-036/Aruba). Read more…
Category: Archive
Propagation and Space Weather….
SFI = 113 A index = 31 K index = 4 SSN = 63 SURPRISE GEOMAGNETIC STORM: A solar wind stream hit Earth’s magnetic field on August 7th. At first, the stream’s velocity was low, but during the day it sped Read more…
4K7DK 4J,4K – Azerbaijan….
Dirk, DK1DKE, is once again active as 4K7DK from Baku, Azerbaijan, until August 13, 2022. Activity will be on 80-10 meters using SSB and FT8 with an IC-7000 w/100w into a dipole QSL via DK1DKE, by the Bureau or LoTW. CQ Read more…
J38GB NA-024 – Grenada….
Greg, N9GB, will be QRV holiday-style on 40-10m in CW, SSB and FT8 from Grenada on August 13-18, 2022, as J3/N9GB. In general he will operate in the evenings. QSL via N9GB. CQ zone 8 Planned modes CW, SSB, Digital Planned bands 40 m, Read more…