SFI = 105 A index = 20 K index = 3 SSN = 74 A CME JUST HIT EARTH, MORE ON THE WAY: A CME hit Earth’s magnetic field on Aug. 19th at 1734 UT, sparking a G1-class (minor) geomagnetic storm. Two Read more…
Category: Archive
What’s in the DX Shoebox today?
ANSWERS: Picture 1 is Ron GW3YDX and Nigel G3TXF at the 1984 HF Convention.Picture 2 is Roger G3KMA at the 1985 HF Convention, held in Birmingham, UK. [EARLIER] Not the best pictures ever found, but probably enough to make this another Read more…
4S7LGT – Sri Lanka….
Aug 18, 2022 The Radio Society of Sri Lanka (RSSL) will activate the Dondra Head and Barberine lighthouses during the upcoming ILLW (Lighthouse Weekend, August 20-21). QRV as 4S7LGT on 40m and up; Digi, SSB and CW.
IRROTA – Iowa Railroads on the Air….
The Freeman Journal reports on the radio amateurs taking part in Iowa Railroads on the Air special event The newspaper says:Huddled over their microphones, a handful of people occupied the picnic tables under the trees next to the old Illinois Read more…