Mon., Mar. 16 at 2:21 p.m. RAC Head Office has been closed temporarily For immediate release: The rapidly evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) situation has now reached Ottawa, where the RAC Head Office is located, and medical officials have requested that all Read more…
Author: Richard Veale
[RAC-Bulletin] RAC Office Phone Service Has Resumed
For immediate release: Service to the RAC phone system has been successfully restored and individuals who left messages yesterday will be contacted during the work day. The RAC Office can once again be reached by calling 613-244-4367 or Read more…
[RAC-Bulletin] RAC Canada Winter Contest 2019 Logs now available on RAC website
Thank you for participating in the contest! For immediate release: RAC Contest Managers Bart Ritchie, VE5CPU and Sam Ferris, VE5SF, provided the following report: A summary of logs received for the 2019 RAC Canada Winter Contest is now Read more…
[RAC-Bulletin] RAC Amateur of the Year Award 2019: Cary Rubenfeld, VE4EA The RAC Board of Directors takes great pleasure in selecting Cary Rubenfeld, VE4EA, as the recipient of the RAC Amateur of the Year Award for 2019 in recognition of his tireless efforts to promote Amateur Radio in his Read more…