Welcome to the July-August 2020 issue of The Canadian Amateur https://www.rac.ca/july-august-2020-etca-now-available/ The electronic TCA (eTCA) version of the July-August 2020 TCA is now available for viewing or download. The paper version is now being processed by the printer, but it Read more…
Author: Richard Veale
[RAC-Bulletin] RAC Canada Day Contest 2020 is tomorrow!
RAC Canada Day Contest 2020 is tomorrow! https://www.rac.ca/rac-canada-day-contest-celebrate-canada…/ For immediate release | The global pandemic continues to be a significant threat and we want to make sure that all participants in the RAC Canada Day Contest on Read more…
[RAC-Bulletin] Registration now available for RAC Advanced Course: Summer 2020
Registration now available for RAC Advanced Course: Summer 2020 https://www.rac.ca/summer-2020-advanced-course-now-available/ For immediate release: In response to the global pandemic, Radio Amateurs of Canada is once again offering an online Advanced Qualification Amateur Radio Course so that individuals can upgrade their qualifications while continuing Read more…
[RAC-Bulletin] RAC is considering offering more online Amateur Radio courses: survey now being conducted
Survey being conducted to determine demand: Ends June 21 https://www.rac.ca/survey-online-advanced-course/ For immediate release: In response to the current global pandemic, Radio Amateurs of Canada organized an online Advanced Amateur Radio Certification Course in March 2020 so that individuals could upgrade their Read more…