Fri., Jan. 15 at 4:21 p.m. THIS NOTIFICATION IS FROM “Listmom” aka VE3PUE The email robot at is now CLOSED – this is the LAST message you will receive from it. RAC now sends out bulletins using the Read more…
Author: Richard Veale
[RAC-Bulletin] Former RAC President Farrell(Hoppy) Hopwood, VE7RD SK
Former RAC President Farrell (Hoppy) Hopwood, VE7RD SK Radio Amateurs of Canada has received the sad news that former RAC President, Farrell Hopwood, VE7RD, became a Silent Key on December 8, 2020 at age 91. The following information was extracted from Read more…
[RAC-Bulletin] RAC Canada Day Contest 2020 Results and Soapbox RAC Canada Day Contest 2020 Report: The RAC Canada Day Contest 2020 Results and Soapbox are now available on the RAC website. Here is a short introduction: “With Canada Day falling on a Wednesday this year and the COVID-19 Read more…
[RAC-Bulletin] Changes to RAC Bulletin Subscription: Effective January 1, 2021
For subscribers to the RAC Bulletin System: For immediate release: In addition to posting news items on the RAC website and in The Canadian Amateur magazine, Radio Amateurs of Canada regularly communicates with its members about its programs and services by sending RAC Bulletins Read more…