Aug 15, 2022 Since June 2022, Didier F5NPV has been living in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei and active on HF bands (CW, SSB & FT8) as V85/F5NPV. After September he will apply for a local callsign. Keep an eye on his blog for Read more…
Year: 2022
Propagation and Space Weather….
SFI = 126 A index = 7 K index = 2 SSN = 97 GEOMAGNETIC STORM WATCH (UPDATED): Minor to moderate geomagnetic storms are possible on Aug. 17th when a CME is expected to sideswipe Earth’s magnetic field. The CME was hurled in our direction yesterday by a Read more…
Roberto, CE3CT is QRV holiday-style from Easter Island until August 18, 2022 as CE0Y/CE3CT. Active mainly in CW with focus on WARC bands. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW after he returns home or QSL via CE3CT.
Jamaican Amateurs Mark 60 Years of Independence….
Amateur radio stations from Jamaica may use the 6Y60 prefix to mark the 60th anniversary since the Colony of Jamaica gained independence from the UK. For example, 6Y5WE will be using 6Y60WE. GB2RS News Team