SFI = 103
A index = 7
K index = 1
SSN = 44
FAST-GROWING SUNSPOT: Two days ago sunspot AR3085 barely existed. Since then it has grown more than 10-fold, turning itself into a double sunspot group with cores nearly as wide as Earth. The active region is directly facing Earth and crackling with C-class solar flares.
Watch as AR3085 develops:

C-class solar flares. Credit: SDO/HMI
NOAA Alerts
Space Weather Message Code: ALTEF3
Serial Number: 3230
Issue Time: 2022 Aug 23 0459 UTC
CONTINUED ALERT: Electron 2MeV Integral Flux exceeded 1000pfu
Continuation of Serial Number: 3229
Begin Time: 2022 Aug 19 1300 UTC
Yesterday Maximum 2MeV Flux: 3825 pfu
NOAA Space Weather Scale descriptions can be found at
Potential Impacts: Satellite systems may experience significant charging resulting in increased risk to satellite systems.