Aug 16, 2022
You’re invited to join us for a fabulous DXpedition talk by locals Doris Wong (K0BEE) and Steve Dyer (W1SRD) who spent approximately 12 days with the TX5N team activating the island of Raivavae (Austral Islands) in French Polynesia in the South Pacific, one of the rarer DXCC Entities. The plan was to have radios on the air continuously from 160m to 10m (including 60m), using CW, SSB and Digital. Although a small team of 5 couples, the Team made over 54,000 QSO’s and enjoyed some spectacular conditions due to increasing solar activity.
The Tama Raivavae Resort has hosted many DX-peditions, and provided a bungalow for each team member and separate building for radio operations. Although this was a “fly-in” expedition, considerable logistics and planning were still required to generate those results. A great time was had by all on both sides of the pileup.
This Presentation will be during the August Monthly Meeting of the El Dorado County Amateur Radio Club, this Tuesday, August 16th, 6:30 – 8:00 PM (local), both live and online, and everyone is invited:
In Person: The El Dorado County Sheriff’s Community Room, 200 Industrial Drive, Placerville (off of Missouri Flat). Tickets will be available for purchase for a special in-person Raffle with Four prizes: Two $50 HRO gift certificates and two Starbucks gift cards. Light snacks and refreshments will be available.
Online: Via Zoom:
You won’t want to miss this Presentation. Please feel free to invite others in your Group or Club. Looking forward to seeing you there,
Alan Thompson – W6WN
Public Information Officer