Aug 11, 2022

This year, NCDXF is celebrating 50 years of worldwide DXpedition support. Quite simply, without NCDXF very many of the most wanted DXCC entities you have worked would not have happened. We should all be forever grateful to the Northern California DX Foundation.
Did you know in the last 50 years, NCDXF has donated more than $1m in DXpedition support. Indeed, the last major support grant was that of $100,000 for the much anticipated 3Y0J Bouvet 2023 DXpedition.
But there’s more: The NCDXF Cycle 25 Fund to be exact. Why not direct a portion of your estate to something that will live forever with NCDXF.
However, if you don’t have much savings or assets then simply join or renew today – new members receive a handsome 8.5 x 11 inch full color membership certificate, and the NCDXF’s highly informative Newsletter is sent twice each year to all current contributors.