Jul 26, 2022
First CQs were made today 10 years ago from St Paul island. I was lucky to be part of the CY9M team and honestly can’t believe a decade has passed so quickly. How many new hams welcomed into our hobby in the last 10 years? Sadly, how many silent keys in that period, too?
The CY9M DXpedition had to be cut short due to bad weather forecast – the day we left it was beautiful and we couldn’t really fathom out where the bad wx was coming from – but the boat skipper always has final say.
We made 33000 QSOs in 136 hours of operating and even managed to get ourselves listed on the GDXF Mega DXpeditions Honor Roll. We didn’t have FT8 / FT4 back then so QSOs were simply more “personal” and often a lot more difficult; some might say “proper DXpeditioning!”
The team was made up of AB5EB (going to 3Y0J), EA2TA, EA3NT (many DXpeditions with me), IZ7ATN (many IOTA DXpeditions) MM0NDX (runs DX-World.net), N2WB (Wild Bill!), SM0MDG, SV2KBS (whatever happened to Vicky?), VA3FM and VE3EN (runs Solar Ham website).
Below is a selection of photos and videos of our DXpedition to St Paul Island (CY9M).
73 Col MM0NDX
(Team member)