Jul 9, 2022
NEWS UPDATE – Both Paul and Flo update with the following:
We are using F/H mode with frequency control. People must make sure they click on frequency control so that we can hear their report…if they give the report on their initial calling frequency, that will not work ! Also, people must call above DF + 1000. In other words, the original true F/H mode.
Today we cannot access the shack until 20:30 UTC at the earliest. This will give us some time to rest and gather the logs and upload them to Club Log. For those that have messaged us asking if they’re in the log: please QRX and wait for log upload.
We’re having some (grounding) issues that creates interference between the HF stations. Until we have solved this issue it’s very hard to do SSB or CW. From tonight on we’ll have multiple F/H stations running on HF.
In the upcoming days we’ll also spend some time towards west-coast North America. Regarding 6M, So far we’ve logged a little over 300 Qs on 6M. We’ve noted that some QSO’s weren’t logged properly. Fortunately, we have the raw receive report so we’ll go through it manually after the operation. Feel free to work us again if you are not in the Club Log upload. We have some noise in the direction of the city but it is manageable. So far we’ve logged only 2 JA stations despite being heard by more stations in Japan. No North America has been heard yet. But we’re definitely on the look out.