Space Weather Message Code: ALTTP2
Serial Number: 1133
Issue Time: 2022 Apr 22 1415 UTC
ALERT: Type II Radio Emission
Begin Time: 2022 Apr 22 1328 UTC
Estimated Velocity: 323 km/s
NOAA Space Weather Scale descriptions can be found at
Description: Type II emissions occur in association with eruptions on the sun and typically indicate a coronal mass ejection is associated with a flare event.
ANGRY SUNSPOT FACES EARTH: Sunspot complex AR2993-94 is crackling with M-class solar flares and, this weekend, it is directly facing Earth. Philippe Tosi phorographed the active region from Nîmes, France:
Indeed, it is. There are two dark cores as large as Earth, and several more as wide as Earth’s Moon. A magnetic filament attached to one of the cores is more than 100,000 km long.