E20AX/P – Samet Island, AS-107….

Following on from their recent IOTA AS-125 activity, team E20AX (Siam DX Group) will this time be QRV from Samet Island, AS-107. Champ, E21EIC explains:

E20AX/P will be QRV in Mini IOTA DXpedition from Samet Island IOTA AS-107 from 8-10 January 2022. We will have 2-3 stations running simultaneously on 40m-10m for SSB, CW and FT8 (We will try on 80M if we have enough space).

Operators include E24OYI, E25KAE, E25OKO, E29TGW, HS2UPR, HS2QJJ, HS6SSE, HS0ZET/DF6RK, E20NKB and E21EIC.

QSL via E21EIC and LoTW. (QSL cards will automatically be sent to all successful QSOs via the bureau)