CWops Mini-CWT Test CWops Mini-CWT Test NRAU 10m Activity Contest RTTYOPS Weeksprint SKCC Sprint Europe EACW Meeting QRP Fox Hunt NCCC RTTY Sprint NCCC Sprint K1USN Slow Speed Test Batavia FT8 Contest 10-10 Int. Summer Contest, SSB SKCC Weekend Sprintathon Read more…
Year: 2021
ARRL Now Provides Free RF Exposure Calculator….
08/05/2021The FCC has adopted guidelines and procedures for evaluating environmental effects of RF emissions. Under the new FCC rules, some amateurs need to perform routine station evaluations to ensure that their stations comply with the RF exposure rules. This can Read more…
The Perseid meteor shower has begun….
Earth is entering a stream of debris from giant comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle, source of the annual Perseid meteor shower. Although it doesn’t peak until mid-next week, the shower is already active. Last night alone, NASA cameras detected more than a dozen Read more…
Russian Districts Award Contest (RDAC-2021)….
Dear radio amateurs, We would like to invite you to take part in the traditional annual Russian Districts Award Contest (RDAC-2021), which will be held on August 21-22, 2021 for the 19th time. Radio amateurs from all over the world Read more…