RAC Canada Day Contest Update Concours de la fête Canada RAC https://www.rac.ca/rac-canada-day-contest-celebrate-canadas-birthday-on-the-air/ Update | Mise à jour : New RAC Contest Log Submission System The global pandemic continues and we want to make sure that all participants in the RAC Read more…
Year: 2021
RDA – Russian Districts Award Program….
Dear radio Amateur, We would like to invite you to take part in the Russian District Award (RDA) diploma program: http://rdaward.org/indexeng.htm Our diploma program has been around for 20 years, and its main goal is to get cfm for QSO Read more…
Italian special event….
Italian special event Members of the 4U1GSC Amateur Radio Club are now active as 4U29MAY from the UN Global Service Center in Brindisi, Italy, until June 30th. Activity is to celebrate “International Day of UN Peace- keepers” (May 29th) [http://www.un.org/en/events/peacekeepersday/]. They hope that the Read more…
Finland’s SRAL 100th anniversary special activity and award….
Finland’s SRAL 100th anniversary special activity and award…. Just contact 100 (one hundred) of your OH friends during 2021 and 10 (ten) specially featured Finnish stations to earn the OH Northern Light 100-year certificate (OH-NL-100) and the featured story, explaining Read more…