3DA0WW – Eswatini NEWS UPDATE – The team has started the trip. The plan is to reach the QTH by October 13 evening. But it will be dark already. So the first QSOs could happen on October 14th, unless something unplanned Read more…
Year: 2021
HV0A – Vatican Operation on Oct 16, 2021….
HV0A – Vatican Oct 12, 2021 The first activity on QO-100 will take place from the Vatican City on October 16th (between 08z to 16z). Ops will be IK0FVC, IK4CIE, IZ4VMA, IZ0BTV & I0JBL. QSL via IK0FVC.
IOTA News from OPDX October 12, 2021…..
AF-050. Operators Johannes/PA5X and Gerben/PG5M will be active as 5T5PA/P and 5T1GM, respectively, from Arguin Island between October 15-19th. Activity will be on 40-10 meters using CW, SSB, and FT8. They will use satellite communication for short messages on Twitter. Read more…
Earth-directed solar flare and halo cme….
This morning, an explosion on the sun hurled a CME almost directly toward Earth. It’s called a ‘halo CME’ because the storm cloud appears to make a halo around the solar disk as it moves in our direction. Minor to Read more…