8 July, 2020
Island activities:
Compiled by Andreas, DK5ON
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
EU-047; DL, Niedersachsen State group: Markus/DJ4EL will be signing his call /p from Juist Island between the 10th and 13th on 40-10m (SSB).
QSL via DJ4EL, LoTW.
EU-050; I*7, Puglia (Foggia) Region group: Franco/IK4YCQ remains active from San Domino Island until the 10th as IL7/IK4YCQ. QRV on 40-10m;
QSL via IK4YCQ (d/B), LoTW, ClubLog.
NA-134; OX, Greenland’s Coastal Islands North West: Bo/OZ1DJJ operates from Aasiaat Island (WW Loc. GP38nq) as OX3LX between July 7 and 30. QRV on 40-4m. He will also try to activate other islands of this IOTA group. QSL via OZ0J.
OC-139; VK5, South Australia State East Centre group: Grant/VK5GR and Andrew/VK5AKH activate Kangaroo Island as VK5KI between July 13 and 18. QRV with two rigs on CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL via M0OXO.
Deutscher Amateur Radio Club
e-mail: iota@dxhf.darc.de
RSGB IOTA website
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