With millions of Americans now isolated at home because of the coronavirus pandemic, there is a renewed interest in Amateur Radio, which allows “hams” to talk with each other all over the world independent of traditional communication systems. On April Read more…
Month: April 2020
Update on USA online ham radio exams….
Update on USA online ham radio exams In this video Richard Bateman KD7BBC provides an update on moves towards Online Exams in the USA following the first successful all-online Technician Exam on March 26 Many hams are already aware that a successful Read more…
Special Call Sign Suffixes in the US….
Use of Special Call Sign Suffixes in the US During COVID-19 Pandemic 04/06/2020Some countries have authorized selected radio amateurs or organizations to identify with longer-than-normal suffixes that relate to the COVID-19 pandemic, such as “STAYHOME.” FCC Part 97 Amateur Radio Read more…
World Amateur Radio Day….
On Saturday, April 18, 2020 (1200Z to 2359Z), Radio Amateurs of Canada is organizing a special on-air event to celebrate World Amateur Radio Day. Every year on April 18, Radio Amateurs worldwide take to the airwaves in celebration of Amateur Radio Read more…