Island activities:
Compiled by Andreas, DK5ON
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
AS-031; JD, Chichi/ Haha/ Muko Islands: Take/JA1UII and Kami/JH1HHC
operate as JD1BON and JD1BPH from Chichijima Island between Feb. 25
and March 5 on 160 to 6m on CW, SSB, RTTY, and FT8. QSL for JD1BON
via JA1UII (d/B), JD1BPH via JH1HHC (d/B), LoTW.
NA-069; W4, Florida State South West (Charlotte/ Lee County) group:
W1JXN/4 operates from Gasparilla Island (USi FL-034S, WW Loc. EL86)
between Feb. 25 and March 4 on HF. Activations of the WWFF
reference KFF-1874 and the lighthouses USA-066 and USA-910 are
possible. QSL via bureau, LoTW.
NA-249; KP3/4, Puerto Rico’s Coastal Islands: KP4RV, KP4RD, KP3H,
WP4U, WP4N, KP4VP, NP3V, WP4PBS, KP3S, NP3OT, and NP4D activate
Culebra Island from the 21st to 23rd as KP3RE. QRV on 80 to 10m on
CW, SSB, and FT8. QSL via EA5GL (d/B).
NA-249, KP3/4, Puerto Rico’s Coastal Islands: The Vieques Island
Amateur Radio Club operates with the callsign NP3VI from the Fortin
Conde de Mirasol Museum on Vieques Island between Feb. 21 and 23.
QRV on 80 to 10m on SSB, FT8, and CW. QSL via EA5GL.
OC-005; VK9, Norfolk Island: Will/AA4NC and Ron/AA4VK operate
holiday-style from Norfolk Island as VK9NR and VK9NN from the 20th
to 25th on 160-10m. QSL for VK9NR via EA5GL, VK9NN via AA4VK (d).
OC-145; YB8, Halmahera group: YB8RW, YE8XBN, YE8XW, and YF8XAT
activate Mayu Island as 7I8X from the 21st to 29th on HF. QSL via
Deutscher Amateur Radio Club
e-mail: iota@dxhf.darc.de
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