Welcome to the March-April 2020 issue of The Canadian Amateur. https://www.rac.ca/march-april-2020-etca-now-available/ The electronic TCA (eTCA) version of the March-April 2020 TCA is now available for viewing or download. The print version is now being delivered. Read more…
Month: February 2020
[RAC-Bulletin] Distracted Driving Regulations in Canada Update: Links to Regulations in Canada
Distracted Driving Regulations in Canada Update: February 26, 2020 In light of the recent decision by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation to make permanent the exemption for handheld two-way radios for commercial drivers and Amateur Radio operators, we Read more…
[RAC-Bulletin] Distracted Driving in Canada update: Ontario has granted permanent two-way radio exemption for Amateurs
For immediate release: https://www.rac.ca/ontario-has-granted-permanent-two-way-radio-exemption-for-amateurs/ Distracted driving regulations continue to be an area of interest for many Canadian Radio Amateurs. These regulations are made and enforced by provincial governments and can vary considerably from province to province and over time. Read more…
Lots of new DXCC on HamSphere 4.0….
A lot of new DXCC on HamSphere 4.0 since it is possible for hams who are registered on QRZ.COM and HamSphere members to work remote station on exotique QTHs like Clipperton island, etc. Also operators from this countries are active SAUDI ARABIA, Read more…