New amateur radio maps EI8IC has released a number of new amateur radio maps: CQ Zones, ITU Zones, UK/EI Contest District Codes. Find them at: A custom mapping service is also available
Month: September 2019
[RAC-Bulletin] RAC Annual General Meeting: Saturday, September 14: The Radio Amateurs of Canada is pleased to hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Riverview, New Brunswick just outside of Moncton. The AGM event will be hosted by the Moncton Area Amateur Radio Club and will be Read more…
IOTA News from OPDX….
2 September, 2019 Island activities: AS-159. By the time you read this, operators Bulent/TA0TA, Nazim/TA2MN, Adem/TA6CQ and Taskin/TA6N will be active as TC0Z from the Kefken Island Lighthouse until September 4th. Activity will be on 160-10 meters using SSB and Read more…