15 March, 2019 This week’s bulletin was made possible with information provided by 5B4ALX, The Daily DX, The OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all. Read more…
Month: March 2019
EIDX Group in Togo (5V)….
Members of EIDX Group will be active as 5V7EI from Main Street, Togo, between March 14-26th. Operators mentioned are Dave/EI9FBB (Team Leader), Jeremy/EI5GM (Co-Leader), Declan/EI9HQ, Pat/ EI9HX, Enda/EI2II, Thos/EI2JD, Alain/EI2KM, Niall/EI4CF, Jim/EI4HH, Norbert/DJ7JC, Heye/DJ9RR, Alain/F5JTV, John/F5VHQ, Jamie/M0SDV and Gabi/YO8WW. Activity Read more…
RF Connectors-101….
RF Connectors-101 Within amateur radio we use many different types of RF connector or coax cable connector, whatever you want to call them. Everything from the familiar UHF connector through BNCs to N-types and many more. Many rigs using bands Read more…
FT8 growing as DX mode….
FT8 growing as DX mode in era of waning propagation ARRL report on a survey by Club Log’s Michael Wells G7VJR that shows significant growth in the use of WSJT FT8 during 2018 Wells reported that operators from some 270 DXCC entities Read more…