25 March, 2019
Island activities:
EU-008. Operators Steve/2E0EFP, Glen/G0SBN, Chris/GM3WOJ, Graham/M0GAE, Bob/M0KLO and Callum/M0MCX (all members of the Tynemouth ARC) will be active as GS0NWM from Mull Island (WAB NM73) between May 17-24th. Activity will be on 80-10 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. QSL via M0URX direct or via OQRS.
EU-065. Operators Christophe/F4ELI, Andy/F4ELK, Stef/F5UOW, Derek/F5VCR, Dick/F6DXE and Jean/ON7ZM will be active as TM5BZH from Ouessant Island (DIFM AT-001, WLOTA LH-0208) between May 25th and June 1st. Activity will be on CW, SSB and FT8. QSL via F4ELK, direct
or by the Bureau.
EU-120. Fred, ON6QR, will be active as M/ON6QR from Wight Island during
the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 27-28th) as a Single-OP/DXpedition entry. QSL via his home callsign.
PLEASE NOTE: Since the Webmasters of the new <www.iota-world.org> have decided NOT to post or dedicate a Web page to announce upcoming IOTA operations, PLEASE send your IOTA operations information to the OPDX and we will post it here in an upcoming bulletin……
Check-out the latest IOTA News from the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club