David Honess M6DNT has written an article describing how to receive ISS Slow Scan TV images using just a Raspberry Pi computer and an RTL-SDR USB dongle SSTV is a picture transmission method for sending and receiving static pictures via radio. Read more…
Month: February 2019
World Radio Day February 13…..
Members of the International Amateur Radio Contest DX Club (ARCDXC) [4U1A] will be active with special callsign 4U0R from the Vienna International Center, Austria, for the ‘World Radio Day’ (February 13th) until February 28th. Activity will be on various HF bands using Read more…
Have you tried RTTY?
Almost everybody is operating the new-fangled digital modes, here is a chance to operate the original digital mode! The SARL RTTY Ccontest is open to all radio amateurs in Southern Africa and encourages QSOs using RTTY. The contest takes place from 14:00 Read more…
IOTA News from OPDX….
11 FebruaryS, 2019 Island activities: AS-063/AS-152 Members of the Russian Robinson Club (RRC) activate two IOTAs in the Khatanga Bay region during a two week period in July. Operators mentioned are Vasily/R7AA, Eugene/UA6EX and Leonid/UA7A. They will operate from Popigay-Ary Island Read more…