The DXCC Most Wanted entities list has been updated on ClubLog as of December 28th. The list contain 340 entities and here are the top 10 entities (which has not changed since last month): 1. P5 DPRK (North Korea) 2. 3Y/B Bouvet Read more…
Month: January 2019
16th Antarctic Activity Week….
The 16th Antarctic Activity Week will take place between Feb. 10 and 24. Francois/F8DVD has already announced his intention to participate as TM16AAW (WAP 300) on 40-10m, mostly on SSB. QSL via F8DVD (d/B).
All about ham radio satellites….
Al Williams WD5GNR writes on Hackaday about receiving the Amateur Radio satellites and how to make contacts How hard is it to build a ground station to communicate with people via a satellite? Probably not as hard as you think. [Modern Read more…
Bouvet DXpedition (3Y0Z) Cancelled….
Bouvet DXpedition (3Y0Z) – Options/instructions for REFUNDS of unused DXpedition funds Let me take this opportunity to thank you again for your financial support. The DXpedition team members are all extremely disappointed that we were not able to complete our Read more…