28 January, 2019
Island activities:
AF-018. Operators Dimitar/LZ1UQ and Ivan/LZ1PM will be active as IH9/LZ1UQ and IH9/LZ1PM from Pantelleria Island until January 31st or February 1st. Both were active this past weekend in the CQWW 160m Contest. Activity on other bands possible outside the contest on CW and SSB. QSL via their home callsigns.
For more details, see: http://ih9cq160m.com
AS 204. Russian operators are planning to be active as RI0FP from
Paramushir Island, Kuril Islands. No other details were provided.
Look for more information to be forthcoming.
NA-008. (Zone 2) VY0ERC will once again be active from the Eureka
Weather station and the Eureka Amateur Radio Club [probably the most northerly located amateur radio club in the world] from Eureka, Nunavut, between February 3rd and March 29th. A list of the operating team was not provided.
The suggested bands are 40 and 20 meters (possibly 80m), as well as FM
satellites (from ER60, EQ79) using SSB, the Digital modes and very slow CW. Activity will be limited to his spare time. QSL via M0OXO, OQRS or direct.
OC-042. David, VE3OI, is now active as DU3/VE3OI from Luzon Island
February 13th. Activity will be on 40-15 meters using mainly CW and FT8. QSL via LoTW, or via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.
PLEASE NOTE: Since the Webmasters of the new <www.iota-world.org> have decided NOT to post or dedicate a Web page to announce upcoming IOTA operations, PLEASE send your IOTA operations information to the OPDX and we will post it here in an upcoming bulletin……