Alex Colpitts, VE9LEX (left) and RAC Atlantic Director Dave Goodwin, VE9CB.
Photo courtesy of UNB and Cameron Fitch.
It is with great pleasure that RAC Atlantic Director Dave Goodwin, VE9CB and Scholarship Chair Bill Unger, VE3XT, announce the awarding of a $500 scholarship to Alex Colpitts, VE9LEX, on behalf of all Radio Amateurs of Canada members.
Alex is a graduate student from Electrical Engineering at the University of New Brunswick (UNB) in Fredericton. He hopes to finish his graduate research and then begin writing his thesis and prepare to defend it.
In addition to working with various embedded systems using ARM/Arduino-based architectures, he is involved with the UNB Judo club.
The Amateur Radio club station at UNB is VE9UNB and under the guidance of Brent Peterson, VE9EX, it is turning into a hotbed of activity for young, bright and gifted Electrical Engineers. You may want to do a search for VE9UNB to see what they are up to or visit their
Every year, through the RAC Foundation, Radio Amateurs of Canada provides grants and scholarships to worthy community programs and to young Canadian Amateurs who are studying at the post-secondary level in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) programs.
It’s gratifying to think that a radio you may be using in the future could be designed by a Canadian Amateur who was helped by your or your club’s donation to the RAC Scholarship and Grants Program today.
RAC operates the RAC Foundation in cooperation with the Community Foundation of Ottawa (CFO) which administers and invests the donated funds and disburses the earnings from those invested funds to grant applicants, based upon the advice of the RAC Board. All grant applications should be submitted to the RAC Foundation for processing and recommendation.
In addition to the Scholarship and Grants Program RAC also has a Youth Education Program (YEP). For more information visit:
If you wish to donate or require further information about the RAC Scholarships and Grants Program, please visit or contact Bill Unger, VE3XT, at
On behalf of Alex and all of the previous scholarship recipients, thank you to all the Canadian Amateurs who have generously donated to the scholarship fund.
Dave Goodwin, VE9CB
RAC Atlantic Director
Bill Unger, VE3XT
Chair, Scholarship Program
Brian Jackson, VE6JBJ
Chair, Youth Education Program