3 December, 2018 Island activities: AF-037. (Update) Members of the F6KOP Team will be active as 9LY1JM from Banana Islands, Sierra Leone, between January 9-21st, 2019. Operators mentioned are Frank/F4AJQ (Team Leader), Jean-Luc/F1ULQ/AK8DX (Co–leader), Patrick/F2DX, Andreas/DL3GA/AB8AY, Jimi/F4DLM/AF7JJ, Jean-Baptiste/F4ERY, Frank/F5TVG, Julien/F8AVK, Read more…
Month: December 2018
[RAC-Bulletin] Neil Carleton, VE3NCE, appointed to the Canadian Amateur Radio Hall of Fame
https://wp.rac.ca/neil-carleton-ve3nce-appointed-to-the-canadian-amateur-radio-hall-of-fame/ The Board of Trustees of the Canadian Amateur Radio Hall of Fame is pleased to announce that Neil Carleton, VE3NCE, of Almonte, Ontario has been named to the Hall of Fame. Radio Amateurs of Canada recognizes deserving Amateurs Read more…