IOTA News from the  Deutscher Amateur Radio Club…..

24 October, 2018

Island activities:

CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz

EU-075; SV, Peloponnisos (Argolis)/ Attiki Region group:
Nicolas/F1RAF activates Poros Island again as SV8/F1RAF between Oct. 28 and Nov. 3 on 40-10m (SSB). QSL via CLubLog OQRS, LoTW, F1RAF.

NA-005; VP9, Bermuda Islands:
K4AJA, W4GE, N4SF, and AA4V operate as VP9/homecalls between the 22nd and 31st. QSL via bureau or direct.

NA-102; FG, Guadeloupe:
Between Oct. 27 and Nov. 11 Roger/SM7RYR will be active as FG/SM7RYR from Deshaies, running 100W and a vertical antenna on 20m (CW), 17 and 12m depending on condx. QSL via LoTW.

OC-077; KH8, Manua Island:
Uli/DL2AH remains active as WH8/DL2AH from Ofu Island until Oct. 29. QRV on 80-10m (SSB, FT8, RTTY). QSL via DL2AH (d/B).

Deutscher Amateur Radio Club

RSGB IOTA website

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