Another compact full feature HF QRP SDR to Check Out….

The FX-4C is proving to be one of the best performers for it’s size. Small enough to fit into the palm of your hand it still operates on 10 amateur bands plus full short wave coverage receive. It includes DSP, dual VFOs, multiple filter selection, variable power output from 0 to 10 watts, LCD display with 20 KHz wide spectrum and waterfall. It operates USB, LSB, AM, FM, CW and whatever digital mode you have software for. The audio is very impressive from the tiny little speaker and can blast loudly and clearly if you need to turn it up if you are in a noisy environment. I’ve had one for about a month now and have made contacts all over the US from my Idaho QTH including Hawaii, Alaska as well as VK and ZL contacts. The case is sturdy aluminum, not plastic. Alan, W2AEW, has made a very inclusive video review which demonstrates many of it’s features. It can be ordered from several Chinese shopping sites but ordering directly from the designer/builder ends up being a little cheaper but takes a little longer. The homepage and purchase link can be found here::

Review of the features and operating controls of the FX-4C – a great little SDR Transceiver designed by BG2FX. NOTE that I misstated the transmit range in the video. This rig does NOT transmit on the 6m band. It transmits only on the 80, 60, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10m bands.