Jun 27, 2022
NEWS UPDATE – Adrian, KO8SCA was sporadically active today as Z66X on HF SSB, while making the last touches on the antennas and the station. The 6M antenna is now ready and it’s a 7 element Innov Antennas (LFA-2) with an 8.9m long boom provided by WiMo. Look for Z66X tomorrow (Tuesday) on regular HF bands only.
Martti, OH2BH and Ville, OH2MM will arrive Tuesday, June 28 and will bring an Elecraft K3S radio and a SPE amplifier which will be used for the 6M operation starting Wednesday, June 29, 2022.
The team will be active on FT8 on 50.313 MHz and 50.323 MHz as much as possible but their pilot stations, K8MFO & OH1MA, will make QRG announcements on the ON4KST reflector.
Z66X will also show up occasionally, if the propagation permits, on 6M CW & SSB. The operation will go QRT on Monday July 4, 2022. QSL via OH2BH.