15 May, 2019
Island activities:
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
AN-002; 3Y Bouvet: After their return to South Africa, the Rebel DX
Group has announced the extension of their operating license. Their
gear has been stored in South Africa with an eye on another attempt
to reach the island later in the year. For more information see:
AF-004; EA8, Canary Islands: The Grupo DX Gran Canaria (GDXGC) will
be active from the Templete Lazareto Gando memorial as EA8NL/p on
May 19. Operators are EA8BVX, EA8CLI, EA8RY, EA8NL, EA8DGI, EA8CNR,
(d/B), LoTW, and eQSL.
AF-016; FR, Reunion Island: Thomas/F4HPX plans to operate holiday-style from Saint Denis on Reunion (DIFO FR-001, WW Loc. LG79rc, WLOTA 1812) between May 15 and June 5. QRV as FR/F4HPX on 40, 20, and 15m (SSB, FT8, some CW) with 100W and wire antennas.
QSL via F4HPX (B), LoTW, eQSL.
EU-008; GM/MM, Inner Hebrides: Steve/2E0EFP, Glen/G0SBN, Chris/
GM3WOJ, Graham/M0GAE, Bob/M0KLO, and Callum/M0MCX from the
Tynemouth ARC activate Mull Island (IOSA NH15, SCOTIA CN10, WAB
NM73, WLOTA 2485) with the callsign GS0NWM between the 17th and
24th. QRV on HF, VHF, UHF, and via satellites. QSL via M0URX.
EU-076; LA, Lofoten Islands: Waldi/SP7IDX will be signing
LA/homecall between May 15 and 29 from Store Molla Island (WW Loc.
JP78kf) on 40 to 10m (SSB, FT8). QSL via SP7IDX (d), LoTW.
EU-180; various, Black Sea Coast group: A team consisting of
Anatoly/R6AW, Oleg/R7LP, Gennady/R3BY, Maxim/RU5D, and Yuri/RX6CM, supported by the Russian Robinson Club, plans to operate as R3RRC/6 (and their personal calls) from the Lebyazh Islands (RRA RR 24-08 (new), RFF-112 (new), RDA RK-23) between the 17th and 20th with two rigs on 40-10m (SSB, CW). QSL via RZ3EC.
NA-002; VP5, Caicos Islands: VP5/K2SX, VP5/K4BAI, VP5/K4QPL, and
VP5/KK4R will be active from Harbour Rock Villa/Providenciales
Island between May 21 and 28 on 160 to 10m on CW, SSB, and digital
modes. QSL via homecalls (d).
Deutscher Amateur Radio Club
e-mail: iota@dxhf.darc.de
RSGB IOTA website
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